Let's Get This Party Re-Started
So last year, I focused on my day job and haven't really been writing so much.
Focusing on work got me stressed and burned out. Utter gotterdammerung. I got so caught up that I forgot to do the things that make me happy. You see, time's limited when you do overtime all the time.
So that didn't work out so well but that's not to say it didn't work out at all. It showed me a view of how "all in" I could get - and I must say, I can be pretty obsessive - and it taught me the importance of balance.
So, for 2017, I say, enough of that because I've had enough of that.
This year, the focus will be on things that are more personal - the things that actually count, the things that make me (and other people) happy, the things that will matter at the end of life.
I've made so many other blogs in the hopes of collating everything in one well-maintained blog but I always come back to diyandiyanlang.blogspot.com. So, once and for all, I'm saying, I'll stick with diyandiyanlang because that's really what my posts are all about anyway. Simple things. Simple joys.
I'm gonna talk about travel, as usual. Movies, places to eat. Gonna post photos, poems, reviews. Gonna talk about my day, my principles, funny things. Gonna try more sports, talk about running, and surfing. And hopefully, diving. Gonna attempt more weight-loss, fitness, health, diet, wellness. Beauty stuff.
This blog is gonna be all about life and the things that make life worth living - Happy Things.
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